How Harmful Are Video Games A Sport?

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Lastly, not only all video games mentioned above have strong potential to become educational tools that help assist both students and teachers to improve their academic performance on regular schooling, but there are also games out there recently got acknowledged by the majority of the fans, players, and more importantly by the government as an electronic sport (also known as E-sport). People might not agree when video games are considered as sports because players in E-sport games don’t need all the requirements like an individual normal athlete has to have; which “these negotiations take place through the “sentimental education” of e-sports texts and the culture that surrounds them” (Hinnant). However, as an E-sport game, it takes and requires …show more content…

For example, League of Legends is a multiplayer online battle arena (also called MOBA) game that requires the performance of 10 players at the same time, 5 players on each side to battle each other as 2 teams. The winning condition is to have one of the team destroy the other team’s nexus, but in order to do that, the game requires the players to have really strong connections in teamwork and decision making between players on the same team. In this case, the better team with better players and better skills will be the winner. Players have to learn and master those mentioned skills throughout the course of playing the game before they became a licensed professional player in order to participate in worldwide level tournaments. Having the players to learn from the game is the same as having students participate in class to build up those needed skills. If a regular game cannot meet the requirements to be in the academic field then an E-sport will be more reasonable to provides all the necessary training to the students in both regular schooling and sports …show more content…

In fact, video games can bring addiction to the players, and the people who are not committed to video games or use video games for educational purposes might find the addiction from long hours playing of video games is really just the same as drugs addiction. I think it is not true at all because video games could be used as a pain treatment in medical practice, “the degree of attention needed to play such a game can distract the player from the sensation of pain, a strategy that has been reported and evaluated among pediatric patients” (Griffiths). As a result, its negative effects can be turned into benefits for the players in many cases like in medical practice, and furthermore. For the better understanding of video games, I think it is better to learn about both of its negative and positive effects because people will never know when these pieces of knowledge will become helpful in many critical conditions that can save so many people live. As far as the concerns about video games could have negative effects on the players, a study has also shown that “adverse effects, when they occur, tend to be relatively minor and temporary, resolving spontaneously with decreased frequency of play” (Griffiths). Which often means that unlike those major problem