How Is Hate Shown In To Kill A Mockingbird

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In To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Jem, and Scout have the strength to endure the hate they may get from their father’s decision to represent an African American man due to them having a strong connection to their dad. Jem and Scout believe in their dad and his decisions; they don’t let people talk badly about their family since they stand together. Due to Atticus deciding to take on the role of defending an African American man, the kids had been met with many nasty comments from people all around. In school Scout had been faced with a young boy Cecil trying to rile Scout up and get a reaction out of her by yelling disrespectful things at her. Sadly that was not all, an elderly woman Mrs. Dubose had also screamed and terrorized the kids …show more content…

Dubose owned, until the ground was littered with green buds and leaves. He bent my baton against his knee, snapped it in two and threw it down” (Lee 118). Scout is not usually someone who lets things go, she stands up for herself and fights back without hesitation, but for Atticus she will listen and stand down, displaying the strong bond between the father and daughter. However, Jem is normally more calm and composed; he doesn’t let things get to him, but in this case when Mrs. Dubose insulted his family and Atticus Jem had retaliated against her, showing how he cares for his family and won’t tolerate such disrespect. It is sad that in the small town of Maycomb they would shame a whole family, including the kids, for the actions and choices of one man. It provides more insight into how the people of Maycomb believe that the decisions of one member of a family impact them all. The author uses this commentary to display how despite Maycomb seeming like a happy town where everyone sticks together and looks after one another, it truly isn't. There may be a darker side to Maycomb than the reader knows. In conclusion, In To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Jem and Scout are capable of enduring the hate they face from their father’s decision to represent an African American man since they have a strong bond with their dad. Similarly, to most families, the kids look up and