How Is Hinduism Different From Other Religions

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Hinduism it has been considered as one of the most diverse religion in the world. It is not a monolithic religion, but a combination of various traditions that Indians believe. Hinduism wasn't being made by the Indians themselves; however, it was named by the outsiders such as the British, back in their colonization era. According to Oxtoby’s article, Hinduism is a problematic term. It is because Indians did not have a consistent name for their faith. Moreover, mostly Hindu is often being categories by people who are not muslims. Hindu family act basically applies to one who belongs to the Hindu dominations. In addition, as previously mentioned, Hindu doesn't have a specific name; therefore, Dharma will be the closest word to describe this religious belief. Oxtoby mentions that Dharma means righteous, justice, and duty. Personally, after learning Islam, Christianity, and Judaism these religions mainly focus on one single God. However, Hinduism and Buddhism these two highly connected religions contained several Gods of their followers to worship. Different gods have their own purpose of existence and the story behind them. Nonetheless, since Hinduism is such a complicated religion it is hard for younger generations to remember. Thus, Vedas, the knowledge, was created and was Indians earliest surviving compositions. …show more content…

Vedas is being written in the form of sanskrit. Before, this form was being invented, the ancient sages heard the stories and recited. Therefore, that is how it was being pass down to the younger generations, and how it was been preserve fully. Oxtoby writes that, most educated Hindus pointed that Vedas is the most sacred texts. However, people who believe in Christianity might think vedas will be a book that can be kept like bibles in their own houses. However, Vedas are ritual texts being analyzed by Hindus and being passed down without any