How Is Macbeth Similar To Hitler

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The problem with power is that it can corrupt anyone who wants it more than life itself. Power was something that both of these characters desired and went after with every fiber of their being. In order to gain power, they also had to betray some people along the way and hurting people at any cause for their own personal gain. Both Hitler and Macbeth developed a state of paranoia in their last days due to all of the wrong they caused everyone else. Although their characters were very much alike and they have many similarities, their lives ended two different ways. Power was always the ultimate goal but they both went about things differently. There are a few details that Hitler and Macbeth shared in common in regards to their background. Who was Adolf Hitler? Adolf Hitler was a political and military leader of Germany from 1933 to 1945. During his time as leader, he launched World War Two in which he was responsible for the deaths of millions, including six million Jewish people in the Nazi genocide as known as “The Holocaust”. Who was Macbeth? Macbeth is a character from the tragedy written by William Shakespeare "The Tragedy of Macbeth". Although his character appeared to be good beneath his surface was a man that was corrupted and wicked in the worst way. Macbeth was a Than of Glamis and …show more content…

In Hitler's career he betrayed his citizens and Stalin to give Germany more power against his enemies. The Germans has lost their bravery. The German government thought that is was best to run things that wat. By having the people of Germany not willing to be brave enough to stand up for themselves they would be easier to rule. When it came to betrayal Macbeth also betrayed his loyal friends in his search to gain power. King Duncan was a close friend of Macbeth’s and he was the one who killed him. After listening to the witches prophesy Macbeth also betrayed his best friend