Macbeth Power Quotes

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Power. Abraham Lincoln once said "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power." this quote shows the theme of Macbeth is that power and the promise of power reveals one's true nature. Macbeth follows the tale of Macbeth as he kills his way to kingship and eventually leading to his eventual death at one of his victims. Macbeth by William Shakespeare follows the main character of Macbeth as he desperately attempts to take the crown leading him to murder innocents in his greed.

One of the ways Macbeth is responsible for the tragedy is his weakness of character which shows even in the first act. Over and over Macbeth is shown to sacrifice his loyalty, morality, and his manhood in the name of power. …show more content…

The audience can see another example of this tyranny when Macbeth says "The castle of Macduff I will surprise,Seize upon Fife, give to th' edge o' th' sword His wife, his babes, and all unfortunate souls That trace him in his line."(4.1.156-160) When Macduff left for England this threatened Macbeth's power, so Macbeth murdered an entire family even children because of it. This tyrannical nature comes back to the quote stated in the beginning of the essay when Macbeth was given power he misused it horribly murdering innocents this showed the real Macbeth not the one he wants everyone to see the honorable warrior is just a mask he uses to get more power. Macbeth is no hero this is why the tragedy happens there was never going to be a happy ending for Macbeth his tyrannical nature when given power didn't came from nowhere, so by blaming the witches is not fair to Macbeth

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