How Is Mr Birling Presented In An Inspector Calls

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An inspector calls, written by J.B Priestly, is a play based on a suicide of a young woman Mr birling was the most to blame as he started the chain of misfortunate events of Eva Smith’s life which eventually lead to her suicide. Mr Birling is an exalted as well as being a wealthy capitalist, he is also portrayed as being a rather portentous man. Moreover, Priestly presents him as a middle-class citizen and extremely proud of his company Birling and co While boastingly claiming that he has “a couple of hundred workers under” him “which keep changing.” Due to his higher status to Eva Smith he views the working class as cheap labour rather than humans. Birling boastly claimed that 'I have a couple of hundred workers under me, who keep changing”. …show more content…

Successful in receiving a job in a well-known job in milwards Eva’s future was starting to glow. However, after a couple of months the manager told Eva to leave the job after a customer complaint. Unlike her father, Shelia recognised her mistake and immediately regretted allowing Eva to lose her job. Furious, Sheila caught Eva smiling at the assistant and was jealous as to how” she was exceedingly appealing and looked as if she could take care of herself” in a dress that did not suit Shelia. The power of a known man’s daughter allowed Eva to lose her job at a place she earned decent amount money and contented, when she did nothing but grin Although Shelia’s action show that she is a jealous and envious person, she completely took responsibility and guilt with what occurred to Eva. she was Apologetic to what she did “No, not really it was my own fault”. She showed remorse even before she knew that she was involved in this incident “Oh – how horrible! “. Moreover, this clearly shows that Sheila accept responsibility for her action feels ashamed for contribution for Eva’s …show more content…

She then says that she told her to go and find the father (not knowing that it was Eric) and get him to realise that it was his problem. Claiming that the husband who deserted her (Eric) should be made an example of “make sure that he's compelled to confess in public his responsibility”. She claims that she did nothing in particularly wrong even though she had a major part to play in Daisy’s Death., even though a big part in the death of Eva Smith as she was her last chance to help her and she just coldly turned her away and no good came of what she