The US decision to drop atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945 has generated much controversy over the years. Some argue that the bombing was necessary to end World War II, while others believed that more than 200,000 civilians died in vain. The use of this disastrous weapon caused a split in society which came down to the usage being necessary for the victory of the Allied Powers as well as stopping more Japanese crimes or a merciless crime that greatly injured an already kneeling, surrendering nation and caused mass innocent deaths. Due to previous Japanese actions, the dropping of the atomic bomb was justified and needed to be done to protect Americans and other countries oppressed by the Japanese. …show more content…
Document 3 helps expand on the perspective of Harry Stismon which states , “But this deliberate, premeditated destruction was our least abhorrent [horrid] choice. The destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki put an end to the Japanese war. It stopped the fire raids and the strangling blockade; it ended the ghastly specter of a clash of great land armies.” This statement helps understand the mindset of Americans. The atrocities committed by Japan brought the allies together for goodness and the betterment of the entire world. However, this also helps us understand that this evil was necessary as stopping Japan with this major attack also meant for stopping other nations from being threatened further (nations like Russia and …show more content…
Document 7 states “The Japanese had demonstrated near-fanatical resistance, fighting to almost the last man on Pacific islands, committing mass suicide on Saipan and unleashing kamikaze attacks at Okinawa. Fire bombing had killed 100,000 in Tokyo with no discernible political effect. With only two bombs ready (and a third on the way by late August 1945) it was too risky to "waste" one in a demonstration over an unpopulated area such as Tokyo’s harbor. Only the atomic bomb could jolt Japan's leadership to surrender.” With this understanding of this statement we can discern that Japan was willing to go unimaginable lengths in order to win against America as well as not having any room to just surrender and prevent any further damages to both nations. With that being said, we can see that America used the atomic bomb as a pseudo last resort in order to push Japan off its legs and bring good for the rest of those