How Poseidon Changed My Life

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I have always loved the feeling of flying when cantering on a horse bareback, the sense that nothing can touch me running away from my problems. From the responsibly school, theatre, and work is just too much to deal with at times. I am a teacher at my temple I am the 5th grade teacher so I teach the kids the skills they need to have a Bar or Bat Mitzvah. It is hard at times because they just have so much energy. Something I share with Poseidon is “yearn for mystical experiences…for self-understanding…” (Stasinopoulos 3). I often feel as though I do not understand things about myself and struggle when asked for things I am good at or accomplishments. Often times I ask my family to help me fill those thing out because what them say is an accomplishment I think is just a normal thing people do, I was raised that was. Poseidon is known for avoiding responsibility. “…and in the course of their quest …show more content…

Camping is a major part of my life, sitting around the campfire singing songs and roasting marshmallows. Although Artemis never had the chance to eat s’mores we share the love of nature. Artemis would rather “spend a week in a tent in the wildest Africa, sleeping under the stars…” (Stasinopoulos 5). While hiking acrossed Israel for 4 days walking up and down mountain at night we would slept under the stars on only sleeping bags. Many girls care about how them look and pick out an outfit that matches and looks decent. I on the other could careless on how I look in 6th grade my friend dared me to not brush my hair in the morning for a month so I did and got 20 bucks. In the winter I wear grey sweatshirts most the days. Artemis shares this too she “is prepared to sacrifice elegance and sensuality in her clothes for freedom and movement” (Stasinopoulos 5). At times there are times I would rather be by myself than with my friends just hanging out. I detach from the world sometimes but always find a way