How Reflections Have Helped My Practice As A Graduate Clinician

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Reflections allow for self-improvement in clinicians. Over the past three semesters, I have reflected with each of my clients with my supervisor. The reflection process is a great tool that can be used to generate ideas, develop concepts, identify what inspiration comes from, and indicate what you can take forward to inform your future practice (The Research Journal). In addition, the ability to reflect upon a session can give a clinician on the client’s progress or lack of progress. This paper will investigate how reflections have guided my practice as a graduate clinician.
“I feel that I am building a good repertoire with my client. I also feel that I am improving as a clinician. I am learning a lot with shared reading, writing, and editing. I feel like I am slowly becoming more confident with leading these in a session. I realized that I was very fast pace and I lacked the appropriate pausing.” …show more content…

This entry marks the beginning of my reflection process. According to Mezirow, this entry falls at the reflectivity level. Meaning that my reflection has an awareness of a specific perception, meaning, behavior, or habit. My reflection is broad and mainly focuses on what I am doing. I often used the phrase, “I am”. In this reflection, I realized that my rate and pausing was inappropriate for my client. My speaking rate was frequently fast and I did not leave enough time for the client to respond. This reflection allowed me to realize that my own actions could be affecting my client’s performance. It is important to address how I am feeling during the therapy session. However, I rarely addressed what my client was doing, feeling, and/or thinking. It is imperative that I take the client viewpoint into