How Should Censorship Be Allowed In Schools

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Censorship should not be allowed in the school community. Censoring information, facts and/or historical events do more harm than good because censorship hides people from the truth if it is insulting or objectionable. Growing up with censorship can create close minded people with minimal views and understanding on the world and society, which then leads to ignorance and hate. Studying these sensitive subjects prepares young adults for their upcoming life.

Censorship doesn't allow teachers to expose young adults to the secrets of the world because life at school is completely different than reality. Censoring education is like sending students out into the real world blindfolded. Schools prohibit the use of swearing rather than focusing on more important issues. For example, a survey was done at Kennedy High School in Windsor, Ontario, 3 out of 175 grade 9's knew who Emmett Till was. The rest thought he was a famous singer, author, or a politician. Contents which include offensive language, are not to be allowed in schools due to the rules and regulations. Disregarding the overall positive message that the media is trying to convey. …show more content…

History is always set to repeat itself unless people study and understand the problems and causes of this event to avoid them. Teaching subjects such as the Apartheid will make students gain knowledge about how the world used to work, doesn't mean that it's a pleasant subject, or mean that we agree with the subject. After learning about these events, students get a different view of the world, and how it's not always a happily ever