How Temperature Affects Bacterial And Fungal Amylase

523 Words3 Pages
How Temperature Affects Bacterial and Fungal Amylase Activity
Vanessa Romero
Vanessa Romero
Group 1: Vanessa Romero, Kayla Montero, Aixa Andion-Arias, Sophia Tavarez
Biology 1010L Section U36

Abstract: Several experiments were conducted on bacterial and fungal amylase, examining the rate at which both break down starch at various temperatures. Enzymes act as catalysts to accelerate reactions. Amylase is a type of enzyme that catalyses the breakdown of starch into sugars. In order to record the rate at which starch was broken down at different temperatures, bacterial amylase was placed in water baths of 0°C, 25°C, 55°C, and 85° for five minutes. Once the amylase was in the water bath for a reasonable amount of time,

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