How To Improve America Essay

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America, the land of the free. This place is amazing and we should try to keep it that way. America has a future and I hope it holds something special. There are different ways i would want this country to improve as i grow old. This is America and it deserves to be the best country in the world, but we can’t be the best if we don’t do the best for America. America has problems, but this is the United States and I couldn’t imagine living in any other place. We have problems or may run into problems, but America has come through and it’s still the best in my eyes. The one thing about all this is we need to get these problems solved before the become a bigger problem in the future. I want my kids and their kids to have a great life in America, …show more content…

grade school, middle school, high school, and college levels of education are all important to how we can improve America. Every person has a reason they are here. Some may fix cars and other may change the world forever by creating something new. All this starts by getting educated and being able to learn the skills to get a good job or change the world. Education needs to be focused on in the next twenty years because it’s going to have to get better with all these electronics. Which takes longer to learn about the electronics, this means that it takes longer to be in school. Speaking of schools. College is very expensive these days, college for the jobs that have good pay is even more expensive. Students wanting to become doctors are in for a lot of work and spending a lot of money. If all this education cost so much, I guess all I can say is hopefully it’s worth the time and money because if you don’t get that good job you will be paying off a lot of debt. Even if you get the ideal job you still will be paying off a lot of student loans. Unless you can get scholarships. Which are pretty hard to get unless you have super good ACT score or have athletic ability to get a scholarship. Education is so important, but I just don’t know if people realize that or not. College is a huge part of going out there getting an education and getting a job that you can support your family or just have enough to support yourself and know that