
How To Make Budget Cuts

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Due to a recent budget deficit, I am forced to make cuts to our pools, youth programs, after school programs, and safety patrols in the five adjacent neighborhoods. Although I would not prefer to do this, it is my job to budget our money correctly and make room for economic advancement.
One of the cuts is to our swimming pools. I am cutting $177,500 from the swimming pools fund so 3 pools can still function. Pools are not a necessity for life and they are used for entertainment. I understand that citizens will be upset because there will be less pools to go to and they will be more crowded, but these cuts had to be made. There is a vast variety of other summer activities for families to do.
The second group of cuts I made was to the youth programs. I have cut $20,000 from the summer work program and cut the grade incentive program completely. There had to be money cut somewhere, and we have to put the money toward the most important necessities.These teenagers can find jobs at facilities not included in the program. For the incentive program, children should not need to be promoted to make good grades by a couple gift cards, and some kids aren't motivated by money. This is setting them up for failure because they will not always have rewards for their accomplishments. They should …show more content…

We are taking away 75% of the after school athletic program, and ½ of the after school tutorial program to fill the funds needed for our budget. We can get parents who care about these at teams to coach for free and donate their time. Citizens can find ways to do cardio and weights with home exercise equipment. They will not have everything a gym provides, but there will still be some gyms and some sports funding for our city. For the tutorial program, we are being forced to cut the funding in half. Although tutors won't be available always, students can get tutoring from peers and

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