How To Prepare For Standardized Testing Persuasive Essay

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“We prepare to prepare to prepare for the test,” said Robert Safer (Lindsay layton). This means that kids are spending a lot of time to get ready for the tests. There are many problems with standardized tests and need to be changed because we are still performing worse that other countries, they take too much time, and they are damaging the classroom experience for the young and slightly older kids in our schooling system.

In this paragraph I will talk about how other countries outperform the us. There are other countries that only take 3 tests, and the schools from those countries are testing better than the schools in the U.S. Those countries have kids that are scoring better on tests, and then the teachers there are receiving higher scores, and grades for their …show more content…

The tests are redundant and the kids are getting bored with the material from the tests. They are beginning to lose the interest that they once had in school. The teachers are also only trying to teach what is going to be on the tests. When the teachers teach the same things over and over again it becomes easy, and it is not challenging anymore. Kids stop having fun then and would rather skip school and stay at home. These tests are severely ruining schooling for these kids that are subjected to all these tests. Supporters say that we need all the tests in our schools. The supporters say that schools need the tests to help measure the achievement gap and to help teachers plan for the lessons and what to teach. The tests can’t help the teachers because the results aren't available until the next year, when the kids are already in the next grade. One suporter of the tests named Kati Haykock, who is the president of the edu. trust, said the schools need tests but there is something wrong with the way we are doing it. These tests are necessary but there are too many of them and the results aren't available until the next