How To Stop Bullying In America

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America needs to start doing extra about a massive issue called bullying. Bullying affects 28% of kids sixth through twelfth grade in the United States. As is, bullying is becoming an increasing issue. About twenty years ago is when the bullying started to become a problem and now it is spiraling out of control. One of the many cliches is that the bigger kid is the bully, however, that is not always the case. Bullying needs to be stopped and everyone has to take action. I know bullying can get better if someone that is trusted is told. Even if that person told does nothing tell more people until someone listens! Eventually someone has to listen. Telling someone also relieves some of the loneliness. Make an effort not to be alone with the teaser , but with someone who cares. Most adults worry about bullying and will stop bullying when they detect it. I know it seems scary , on the other hand, if everyone told a trusted person the bullying situation will get better. To identify bullying there are many things to account for. Look for warning signs that indicate that kids are being bullied. Lowering grades and not wanting to continue in school point out bullying. Unexplained wounds and damaged items also are another sign. The …show more content…

For example, a school that was in a 2009/2010 film called “Bully” shows how the principal thinks the school has strict bullying rules, but in fact she is wrong. Kids were getting bullied and all she wanted to do is have the bully and bullied kid shake hands. A young boy named Alex was bullied on the bus, school, bus stop ,but since he has aspergers it makes it hard for him acknowledge that he is being bullied. His parents called the school for a conference and basically the principal, her name is Principal Lockwood, said there was nothing she could do. Principals need to start taking bullying more serious if they want to diminish the bullying