How To Write A Brief Summary Of 1984

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Meela Kopp, Kate Frey, Bailey Stumpf Ms. N. Finley E209-W4-Summary 18 January 2018 Summary The year is 1984. Winston Smith, thirty-nine years old, lives in London, a province in Oceania. He lives in a society that is led by a dictator, Big Brother, and where the Party has control over every aspect of life. History is rewritten to fit the expectations of the Party. The Party has even implemented a new language, Newspeak. Along with this, Winston, just like others, is constantly being watched by the government. Any rebellious thought or action is illegal. If they are caught, they are sent to a labor camp or vaporized. The story opens up with Winston returning home. He has begun to write in a diary to express his thoughts against Big Brother. He thinks about O’Brien, an Inner Party member who Winston believes is actually against them. Tired of the oppression and control, he writes, “DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER” repeatedly in the diary. He has committed a thought crime. Suddenly, he hears a knock on the door and thinks it’s the Thought Police. It is actually his neighbor asking for help. He goes over to help and is terrorized by the neighbor’s children who are Junior Spies. He knows that eventually he will get caught and says that he is already dead. That night Winston dreams of his mother. His mother had disappeared years ago and has very …show more content…

They have the numbers to rebel, but they lack the knowledge to. Winston tries to gain more knowledge of what has happened in the world by reading a children’s textbook. In this book, the Party claims to have provided the people with all they needed and is an ideal place to live. This is not true as London is miserable and dirty and the people have very little. Writing in the diary is like writing a letter to O’Brien for Winston. He dislikes how the Party controls the truth and says that you are free when you are able to say, “Two plus two equals