
How To Write A Honors British Literature Petition Essay

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Honors British Literature petition essay On September 3rd, 2019, I started my first day of NDA as a twelve-year-old girl heading to seventh grade. I immediately fell in love with the community and education that I was being provided with at NDA, as it differed so greatly from the Norwell public schools. The message of women's empowerment through God resonated with me and motivated me to become the best student I could become. It was then that I concluded that at the core, NDA challenges young learners into strong college applicants and employers. The honors English program at NDA has been extremely enjoyable for me and has made me develop greatly as a writer through the years. As I enter my fifth year attending Notre Dame, I whole heartily believe I will be able to handle Honors British Literature and enjoy the course. I tend to pride myself on my relentless work ethic and my attention to detail, particularly in my writing. Due to my previous success in my English classes and being dedicated, I have been in honors English classes every year it has been offered to me. Adding on, I have consistently been able to maintain a …show more content…

My love for writing has continually driven me to become stronger in my overall writing skills, and if I am not challenged in a higher-level course, I will not continue to grow as a writer. A sense of excitement comes over me when I am challenged in English class because completing English work is an activity that I view as more than a schoolwork assignment, but as something that will substantially grow my knowledge in the world of literature. It can be said that I have the general work ethic required to succeed in an honors-level class, as well as the love for the course as a motivation to succeed and make every effort to prosper in Honors British

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