How To Write An Essay On A Field Hockey Game

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On Saturday October 17th I attended the field hockey game at Siena College. The Saints were up against Bryant. I had never seen a field hockey game before that day, and I was not sure if I would enjoy watching it or not. I play on the lacrosse team here at Siena College, so I thought it was important to support another team from the school. The game started out with a goal from Siena, and then soon after it was Bryant. Siena then scored another goal, and Bryant did the same. With the score tied at the end of the game, it went into overtime. What I learned, was that it did not matter how much time was left in the overtime of the game; the first person to score wins the game. Siena scored the winning goal, and won the whole game. It was an amazing …show more content…

I saw people who were willing to give their all for their team. Playing a sport takes a lot. You have to be willing to push yourself both mentally and physically to perform your best. Athletes are constantly being judged on their ability to do different things, and the mentality they have towards the game or competition. Watching the field hockey game I saw a group of individuals that came together as one to try to be a part of something greater than themselves.
For this to happen a team needs leaders. Sometimes in these sporting events the leaders are not always the captains or oldest ones on the team. It doesn’t even need to be the best player on the team. A leader is someone who is willing to figuratively take a bullet for their team. They support other team members and have so much love for their team and the game. It is clear who plays this role on a team.
At the game I saw a freshman player, become a leader. She stepped up because she wanted the best for her team. Her name is Aubrie. This does not mean that this freshman had the most goals, or was a starting player. A leader is not always the “hero”. Aubrie gave her all in the amount of playing time she was given. She had a positive attitude that electrified the whole team. She ended up having her first collegiate goal that game. She also scored the winning goal in overtime. She went out of her comfort zone for her