
How To Write V For Vendetta

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V for Vendetta

There are all kinds of readers. Readers who can't put a single book down, no matter how boring or hard it is. Readers who read ONLY a certain type of book, and impatient readers. That's me. I love reading, don't get me wrong, I just need to work on my patience a little. If a book doesn't hook me in the first eighty pages, sadly, I would put it down.

However, I found that no matter how slow or boring a comic might be, I would hardly put it down. For some reason I find comics and graphic novels most amusing. And so I found this graphic novel (recommended by a very good friend of mine) called V for Vendetta, by Alan Moore. I've read tons and tons of comics and several books, and I can honestly say that no other piece of writing has enchanted me as much as this one did.

I first read it when I was a senior in High School, and for some reason it caused a huge impact on me. As you know, senior years are always a hazzle. You have no clue what you want to study, you REALLY want to travel, get out of the house, discover yourself (who you really are).. Anyway, senior year is a total journey. And so I was in one. I was on a journey of discovering my true self, and this book influenced me big time. …show more content…

However, I will say that this is a book about finding your mind, your independence. It teaches you that the matter of which we humans are all made of, is simply that: matter. Eventually everyone will die, decompose, and become dust. Then what? Your body is gone, but something is still remaining. It's not your name, it's not your valuable goods you might've left behind, it's not your house, it's something bigger than that. And you won't believe how simple and underrated that thing

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