
How We Talk About Bullying After School Shooting Summary

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5Realizing on how psychology is all around helps us understand how people around us function and think. The psychological research “Access to a Loaded Gun Without Adult Permission and School-Based Bullying” and current events show that the real-world issues particularly in our country, of mental health, students, and guns are problematic.
5The news article “How We Talk About Bullying After School Shootings can be Dangerous: Experts” is written by Taylor Swaak. The news article talks about how bullying other students in school usually leads to lasting ramifications, such as depression and anxiety for those victims. In some cases, those are driving forces for students to become angry and aggressive, which in some cases leads students to take lethal repercussions towards their peers and others. However, a more in-depth psychological investigation is necessary to fully understand what specifically drives students to become violent towards others. A profile of a school shooter “does not exist.” The phrase “bullied” is one of …show more content…

As those stressful events are interpreted through, and they contract a negative explanatory style, it leads to creating a hopeless and depressed state. In which hampers the person thinks and acts. Inflexible and enduring behavior patterns that impair social functioning can point to, personality disorder, eccentric or odd behaviors, such as the emotionless disengagement and dramatic or impulsive behaviors as seen in borderline personality disorder, narcissistic personality disorder, and antisocial personality disorder. Taking all these mental health issues in an account, mental disorders rarely lead to violence. However, those who do become violent, use lethal force. This might be due to those students being depressed and having low self-esteem, holding negative views of themselves, their situation, and their

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