How Would Aker Explain Street Level Drug Sales And Date Rape

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1. How would Akers explain street level drug sales and date rape?
Akers would be following his 4 concepts which are
• Differential association; In which the person is exposed to the criminal behavior, by direct contact and interactions with friends, family, groups, media and more. Which will expose the individual to those events and situations that are not normal, but if the individuals is confronted with those same events or situation it eventually become the norm.
Street level Drug Sales: When an individual see’s a friend or family member selling drugs for money.
Date Rape: When the individual see’s their friend or family put a date rape drug in their friends drink.
• Definitions; Are the actual behavior or feelings that comes after the …show more content…

Street Level Drugs Sales: The money is the reward, being convicted for selling drugs would be the punishment
Date Rape: Having someone to take advantage of would be a reward. Getting caught and sentenced with prison time would be the punishment.
• Imitation; which Is to precede with the act of repeated/modeled behavior from that criminal event. (Repetition)
Street Level Drugs Sales: The criminal behaviors of selling drugs are repeated. Patient offender has taken action and his/her behavior is now considered criminal behavior.
Date Rape: The criminal behavior of using date rape drug on an individual is repeated by the patient criminal. (Action has taken place)
These steps shaped the criminal behavior, and gives Akers reason of criminal behavior and how it happens.
2. How would Anderson explain street level drug sales and date rape?
Anderson theory explained that criminal behavior is formed in the inner city neighborhoods, and caused by a lack of employment living wages, drug use, drug trafficking and more..
• Street Codes (Norms/respect)
Selling drugs for an individual is more so about trying to prove how tough one is. As well as get respect from others around

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