
Hrm 531 Job Analysis Papers

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Job Analysis Running a business is not an easy task, the mere idea of starting up a business can be stressful and demanding. That is why it is important for people to understand the requirements of a business or a job they wish to pursue. Job analysis is essential because it establishes the jobs and the performances required to accomplish them (Robbins, De Cenzo, & Coulter, 2015). The conditions regarding job analysis are straight forward, figuring out the positions that need to be filled and finding people who are qualified for the jobs. This paper discusses job analysis, how people or employers can make use of the information it provides and the methods used in collecting job analysis data. Job Analysis Job analysis is the process of collecting and forming of data about certain tasks, obligations, and responsibilities of different jobs (Gomez & Balkin, 2012). Job analysis has two human resource functions job specification and job description. Job description shows what the jobs demand and entails whereas job specification shows what kind of people need to be hired for the job or jobs (Dessler, 2013). …show more content…

HR managers or supervisors are the ones who usually conduct these job analysis, they use questionnaires to conduct their search for the right candidates and jobs. Although with the advancement of technology most HR mangers or supervisors use social media as oppose to questionnaires. The job analysis information gathered are important because it helps managers figure out who the right candidates are for the jobs and also helps managers hire the most qualified

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