Human Resource Development Minor Program Essay

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I believe I am a great fit for the Human Resource Development Minor program. Although I am closer to graduating than most applicants, I believe it is important to explore my options before it is too late. I have developed an interest in human resources and would prefer to gather experience now rather than wait until later in my professional career. The Human Resource Development Minor program will allow me to determine if I could possibly have a future in Human Resources.
Throughout my college career, I have had issues trying to figure out where I belong. Contemplating my future was scary because I had no idea what I wanted to do. I have spent the past three years wading through departments and sales pitches in order to find the right place …show more content…

After receiving a promotion, I became responsible for processing new hires and terminating graduating seniors. This entailed receiving and filing applications, notifying applicants of a job offer, preparing new hire and termination paperwork, and even training new employees over company policies. I never thought of it as an HR role; it was just an administrative task that helped employees transition easily. I was the first person they would meet and the last person they would see on their way out. I enjoyed the work, but I never considered it as a career option. Since then, the responsibility has been shifted to a separate department and I actually miss it. For a long time, I thought of HR as a managerial role instead of a function of its own. Now I wish I would have made earlier strides to explore this option. As a Mays Business School student, it was easier for me to transfer into Supply Chain Management than Human Resources Development. Since most of my curriculum completed is aligned towards a business major, transferring into a completely different school or department would not go over well. I have now come to a crossroads where I enjoy my current major, but I am also interested in a major that is not within reach. I believe the Human Resource Development Minor program is my best option to gain additional knowledge on HR roles and

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