Human Resources Development: Toyota And Human Resource Development

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“Making automobiles is about developing people.” As these words mentioned, Toyota strives to develop human resources through the process of making things, and these developments require the convey of principles and values. Toyota has highlighted the required qualifications for office and engineering positions, associates who can utilize their strengths and exercise teamwork to create added value on their own and make contribution to society. Company-wide training is conducted based on employee grades. Three focuses of human resources development are: (1) Thorough training in problem solving during the first ten years, until promotion to the post of assistant manager; (2) Training is an opportunity to trigger development of human resources; but stronger emphasis should be placed on on-the-job training (OJT); and (3) Selected employees act concurrently as instructors and mentors. Toyota has systematically implements training for employees to improve the managerial skills and affiliates to enhance practical skills in implementation of the Toyota Way.
TOYOTA strives to align the learning process with business strategies to achieve its company goals and mission. TOYOTA has a deep understanding of training is essential to the on-going development of individuals and bringing the company to greater milestone. TOYOTA provides employees with the variety of training and development programmes. Each occupational classification within the company has a structured development path with

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