Human Trafficking In Costa Rica

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One major human rights violations that has a major global effect is human trafficking. Human trafficking is the illegal movement of people for the means of forced labor and prostitution. There is no one race that discriminates against another, just the cruel act of enslaving one’s fellow human and mistreating them. One nation where this human right violation is prominent is Costa Rica. As in most situations, the young are tricked into this situation and are forced to do things against their will.

The human trafficking industry has become prominent in Costa Rica. It has become dominant in this region through sex trafficking, which is the selling of men or women’s bodies for sex, but unlike prostitution, it is against their will. People are …show more content…

The victims in Costa Rica can also be broken down to mostly women and young children as old as five and six years old. The situation is beyond humane because not only are people stolen or tricked into the trade, but children are sold by their parents to traffickers to pay off debts they may have. With that fact, Costa Rica is known as the child prostitution capital of Latin America. As well as being subjected to trafficking within the country, these people are also taken from within Costa Rica to other regions as if they are mere cargo (human …show more content…

Before 2012, the nation did not put forth its best efforts towards putting an end to its problem but now it does so because the people have finally realized how big of a problem these human rights violations are. But it should not only be left up to the Costa Rican authorities to deal with these issues, but to the other nations who sit by and let their citizens go to this country as tourist and take advantage of the situation. It is up to the other nations to cooperate with Costa Rica and manage the trafficking coming from their countries into Costa Rica. If it were not for these outside factors causing such a problem, then it would be easier for Costa Rican officials to manage the problem. With that said, the blame does not solely lie with the Costa Rican government and so the burden should not be theirs alone to

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