Human Service Application Paper

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Application Paper #2 For me, the hardest thing about giving service is what I will look like when I am doing the service. I get nervous to do acts of kindness because I am afraid that others will see it as annoying, nosey or intrusive. I often find myself inspired to serve someone but end up not following through because I am too busy thinking what I will be perceived as. I am motivated to serve because we are all brothers and sisters and we are all in this together. I know that when others serve those I love, I have a greater appreciation towards them and am more willing to serve and bless them later. I think that God must feel the same way when I serve those who he loves. I am also motivated to serve because it is one of the commandments “to love thy neighbor as thyself”, I want to keep the commandments so that is also what motivates me to serve. …show more content…

In D&C 12:8 it says “no one can assist in this work, except he shall be humble and full of love”, I really love how humility and fullness of love were paired together, to me it shows that when I am humble I can be full of love and serve more easily. In D&C 67:10 it tells me that when I am humble I will be able to see things spiritually, which would help me see others needs and also to forget how others perceive me. The other attribute I think is important with service is love for others. If I don’t feel love for those around me, I won’t want to serve them. In D&C 4:5 it teaches that love qualifies people to God’s work, so if I have love that qualifies me to bring souls to Christ and to serve. D&C 34:3 it teaches that Christ loved the world so he gave his life, this was the greatest act of service and it was done because of