Human Service Officer

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Human service workers, work with voluntary or involuntary clients in situations of adversity in order to enhance the well-being of cliental (citep.6). For human service workers, professional identity must be held in high regards though varying from different professions. Police officers are human service workers with values of respect and integrity; when these values are encompassed, a professional identity is formed.

A police officer valuing respect in the workplace will have successful interactions with clients and colleagues. When respect is given to a client, they will be given authentic communications leading to a client’s willingness to participate(citep.13). This is important as police officers are the first line of contact when a conflict occurs. People that are willing to engage with law enforcement, help resolve conflicts leading to prompter access to support systems. A police officer who is respectful to their colleagues allows for a harmonious workplace. This …show more content…

Even when no one is watching Police officers must be exemplary citizens. In the line of duty, police will be faced with several decisions requiring them to use their discretion. For example, a police officer is responding to a call of a house with the front door wide open. As he and his partner walk around to unsure everything is okay, he notices money sitting on the counter. With integrity, this police officer decides to leave the money as found and notify the home owner. This lead to his professional identity being cemented through integral practices.

Professional identity is varied from professions. In regards to police officers, respect and integrity are of great importance. Having these values present, form a professional identity that leads to positive client and workplace interactions. Human service workers have their professional identity challenged each day, with a strong will and determination they will uphold