
Human Trafficking In North Korea Essay

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North Korea is officially designated as a tier three country. This essentially means that North Korea is not in compliance with the minimum standards set by Trafficking Victims Protection Act’s (TVPA). According to the “Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000, Div. A of Pub. L. No. 106-386, § 108” The minimum standards consist of four clauses; in an effort to be concise these three clauses state that any form of human trafficking should be banned and those in violation should be punished appropriately. Furthermore, punishments should be severe enough to deter any further trafficking. North Korea pays virtually no attention to the precepts of the (TVPA). North Korea is a source country for Human Trafficking, it traffics men women and children, Often traffics men to other countries for forced labor; women are sold into mirage or sex the sex trade. Additionally, children are often sold into the sex trade as well. Not only does North Korea supply other country with forced labor. It uses its own people for forced labor. The government picks what jobs its citizens when have and forces …show more content…

However, these laws are laughable at best and serve no operative purpose other than meaningless butocracy. The law that are “suppose” to protect people are Articles 289 and 290. Article 289 expresses that no one shall abduct children and Article 290 dictates that no one will abduct individual or groups. Both statutes carry a penalty of three to ten years in a labor facility, however traffickers have been known to be executed. North Korea did not release any information regarding if border guards receive any Human Trafficking training or not. Additionally, North Korea did not articulate rather or not an they had in pending prosecutions of human traffickers. Ultimately, North Korea did nothing to help victims of human trafficking, they also did nothing to prevent future incidents of human

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