Human Trafficking Report

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Human trafficking has been a problem on this earth since the early 1400’s when Europe began trading African slaves with Portugal. Now, in 2015, human trafficking affects every single country in the world and is considered a multi-billion dollar industry. According to, an organization that fights for extended laws and the rights of the trafficked, “Human trafficking is the third largest international crime industry (behind illegal drugs and arms trafficking).” The substantial growth of human trafficking is due to a lack of trafficking regulations and border control in less developed countries such as Tibet and Malaysia. The United States is also a large contributor to the multinational problem. The terrifying truth is that this …show more content…

Humans that are kidnapped and trafficked are used in many different industries. Many are used for labor, some are used for organ harvesting on the black market, but most are used for sexual exploitation and sexual slavery. The number of people trafficked is huge: “Approximately 600,000-800,000 men, women, and children are trafficked across international borders each year.” Sex trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery. Many traffickers target victims of the lower classes. When looking at the lower class of any country, many underprivileged people wishing for a new beginning can be seen. When offered a chance at a better life and luxuries such as new clothes and enough food to eat, or the even love and attention they do not currently receive, it is nearly impossible for them to say no. In 2005, a South Korean man by the name of Kil Soo Lee was sentenced to 40 years in prison for involuntary servitude and trafficking. He owned an American Samoa garment factory in Hawaii where he lured nearly 300 Chinese and Vietnamese nationals. There, the workers lived in inhumane conditions and were harassed, beaten, and sexually assaulted. Kil lured his victims …show more content…

Although the workers were making a better wage, they were still forced to work as sex slaves will continue to rise as well. People in dangerous situations significantly underpaid by standards in the United States. Sex trafficking is becoming more common in the United States every day., another organization trying to bring to light the growing problem reports, “Between 14,500 and 17,500 people are trafficked into the U.S. each year. “ That is roughly ¼ of the population of Manhattan, Kansas. As the poverty rate continues to rise, the number of people being or without community and family support are at increased risk of becoming victims.“ Runaway and homeless youth, victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, war or conflict, or social discrimination are frequently targeted by traffickers.” Taking advantage of the vulnerable is a strategy used by traffickers around the world. In underdeveloped countries, poverty is part