Human Trafficking In America

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The group of people who do not have the rights that every human should be guaranteed or the power to put an end to their hardships is continuously rising. A few of the basic necessities of life are being denied to this group. From being tricked into leaving their families for false promises of a better life, to being forced to live in a run-down community, these people do not even have the resources to improve their lives or the ability to leave the situation they are in. Even though their situations are different, they still go through the same struggles and are forced to live in harsh conditions due to a lack of power and a lack of interest from those who do have the authority to make a change. The TED Talks “Human Trafficking is all around …show more content…

Although Neuwirth has an important message about squatter cities, it does not have much relevance to Americans because there are none here, and Neuwirth provides no way for them to make a connection. When Thrupkaew describes human trafficking, she makes it relevant to American lives by explaining how prevalent it is in America and how many products they buy that come from human trafficking. Not only is human trafficking an ongoing issue here, but it goes widely unnoticed by most people living here. Ryan J. Dalton explains that, at first, the problem was getting people to believe slavery was wrong, but now, the problem is having to “convince the world that it exists” (13). It becomes more relevant when people realize that it is not only happening all around them, but they are doing nothing to stop or help it. Furthermore, even though there are laws that prohibit human trafficking, they are not strictly enforced, and they make it easy to continue bringing people in illegally to work. Bales and Soodalter make the point in “Slavery in the Land of the Free” that many people get away with lying about human trafficking because “they know the government isn’t paying attention” (456). Thrupkaew’s speech has more of an impact on the audience because of this. Neuwirth’s message does not have the same relevance as Thrupkaew’s message does, since it has little to do with Americans and human trafficking is a growing issue