Hunter Gatherers Mythology

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What do researchers know about Hunter-Gatherers and the Mythology of the Market? “Hunter-Gatherers and the Mythology of the Market” says that the first way of life that was successful was started by the Hunter-Gatherers and was also very adapted to the economy for about 90% of our history until about 12,00 years ago. No matter how civilized and technological advancements that have taken place, the Hunter-Gatherer societies lived a fulfilling and rewarding life without them. They had a prosperous way of life and a sufficient diet. In their lifestyle, they had free time to play and do other activities. They had no specific leader, they only had temporary leaders, which included no discrimination based on gender. Hunter-Gatherer societies …show more content…

Two, the segregation of work from social life is not necessary for economic production. Three is the combination of the individual well being and individual production is not needed for economic organization. Four, selfishness and greed are only the appearance of human nature and is not needed for the dominant ones, and the fifth one is the inequality based on the class and gender that is not necessary characteristics of human society. The cultural beliefs surrounding the modern market do not reflect the universal “Human Nature”, it is the notion of Scarcity that is largely a social part but is not required for human existence. The way we look at the Modern economic theory is that humans are driven by greed and that more is better than less, is not the only way to look at the issues of production and distribution like the hunter-gatherers society. I would say that it is natural to guess that the world is separated “haves” and “have nots” since some societies disallow ownership and inequality distributions. Others have Scarcity issues that they worry about, but according to hunter-gatherers lives, their lives were successful. They did not have any issues in the way they lived and that their lives were fulfilling and …show more content…

I would include the idea of Environmental Sustainability because the immediate return hunter-gatherers they lived of the direct flow of nature and that meant that nature provided the necessities for their everyday life. There are two ways proposed by Ecological Economists which are (1) by maintaining the ability of the environment to understand the waste of industrial society, and (2) by maintaining the stock of natural resources that are necessary for economic activity. The Gender Equality and Sustainability states that women supplied and an abundant amount of food through the process of gathering, especially in cultures adapted to higher latitudes where plant foods were relatively scarce. I included Cultural and Ecological Diversity because we would not be able to survive if we did not have a stable subsidy from the outside, and that cultural diversity and biological diversity go hand in hand. I also involved Communal Decision Making because for a community to cooperate the have to communicate by being