Hunts Woods Sampling Land

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Table 2. The following information in Table 2 describes the conditions found in the Hunts Woods sampling site. The soil horizons observed ranged from O to B. The soils were dark yellowish brown, loamy sand (A), strong brown, silty clay (E), and reddish brown, clay (B). The rooting depth only reached to 25.4cm with the surrounding vegetation of Quercus nigra, Prunus caroliniana, and Carpinus caroliniana. The soil in this area was seemingly more damp than in the Gayla Mize Garden measured previous to this.
Table 3. Table 3 exemplifies the soil data collected from Surveyor Hill. The soil horizons were observed from O to B. The soil was classified as: red, loamy sand (A), red, sandy loam (E), and red, silt loam (B). The vegetation included …show more content…

The loamy sand appeared in the A horizon which is considered to be the top soil region. Loamy sand is characterized by containing approximately 25% medium coarse sand particulates, 25% very coarse sand, and less than 50% fine sand and very fine sand (USDA, n.d). The larger the soil particles the less hydrophilic the soil is. Many horticulturalists find that loamy soils are very productive because of their ability to retain water while also draining well (Lerner). This can therefore explain the high levels of vegetative growth in the three locations the soil texture was present in. The only site which did not have loamy sand was North End, which had considerably drier soils.
The most frequently occurring soil color was 10YR, dark yellowish brown, 3/6 appeared at each of the four sampling locations. Typically, yellow soils in the 10YR category have higher content of goethite (FeOOH) (USDA, 2000). Goethite soils tend to occur in more temperate climates such as Nacogdoches. This color was found at each site because all the locations would have the same parent material. This is especially true considering the proximity of each site in relationship to each