Hush Gum Commercial Analysis

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Commercial analysis This is an analysis of a commercial called “Hush-gum”, made in Sweden by a few teenagers at Polhemskolan. “Hush-gum” is a product that can be used when you meet someone that won’t keep their mouth closed, because it has a function that makes the eater quiet. There is a self-evident slogan for the product, which is also the name, “Hush-gum” and the catch phrase is “So delicious it makes you speechless”. The commercial starts in a peaceful classroom when suddenly a noisy student enters, he sits next to the quiet student and starts to disturb him. He starts asking questions and telling about him about last night, when the quiet student tries to ignore him, he still won’t stop …show more content…

Let´s start with the stereotypes. There are two visible stereotypes that we're going to discuss. The first stereotype is that we have a teenage boy in the “messy student role”. The “teenage boys” have for a long time been considered a bit messier and louder than the rest of the class. Sure there are a bit of truth in what´s said, because boys are often a bit more immature than the girls in their same age which have resulting in that the most teenage boys get treated separately. What many grownups don’t understand is that boys generally become mature at a later age, by natural reasons. You also have to take under consideration that stereotypes are generalized insults and therefore you shall remember to not see all the boys as the same. The other stereotype is that we put a girl in the teacher’s role. This stereotype is only based on the fact that many teachers through the years have been women. But this stereotype doesn't have any specific abilities connected to it. When we made a research our audience, we found out that 13/22 find 1 stereotype 6/22 find two stereotypes and only 3/22 find 0 stereotypes. When we asked the group of people who just found 1, what kind of stereotype they found, they answered “the one with the messy boy” . This shows us that a messy boy is a more common stereotype than the female teacher. The last thing we are going to disgusts is why we don’t have any Objectifying´s. We think that is not suitable to have objectifying connected to the commercial because it’s often very offensive against one of the