Hydraulic Fracturing Persuasive Essay

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“Society is certain to extract more gas and oil due to Fracking,” a quote by Robert Jackson. To add, as more and more Fracking companies extract gas and oil, the higher the chances are to make mistakes. Believe it or not, states that have more quantities of sedimentary shale rock underneath the earth’s surface are going to be primary targets for Oil and gas extraction companies. Companies such as these never think about what they are doing wrong, but instead they are going to be looking for benefits in which they can have the most profit from. Hydraulic Fracturing should not be allowed to take place because chemicals get released out into the earth’s atmosphere, water systems in houses are affected, and civilian property is being taken away. …show more content…

The only way to remove these natural resources is to use a drilling technique called Hydraulic Fracturing. Hydraulic Fracturing happens when water mixed with sand and many other chemicals are pumped into the earth’s surface to break a sedimentary rock layer called shale (Fracking). Shale is a sedimentary rock that holds natural resources below the earth’s surface, and it’s made out of mud and clay (Fracking). Hydraulic Fracturing is a technique that the oil and gas industries use to extract large quantities of fossil fuels (Fracking). In 1949, the first commercial use of Hydraulic Fracturing took place by the US petroleum industry (Fracking). In the Energy Policy Act of 2005, a provision states that EPA cannot use Safe Water Drinking Act regulations on Hydraulic Fracturing near aquifers (Fracking). An aquifer is any major chunk of groundwater underneath the earth’s surface that is in a permeable rock (Fracking). In other words, Oil and gas companies do not have to tell what chemicals they are using to do Hydraulic

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