The Pros And Cons Of Hydraulic Fracking

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Local government and the state government are the two form of governments prevailing in the state of Texas having their own system of ruling .Local government plays the important role in addressing the local community and people about the issues happening in the community levels.sometimes it generates the big debate of either the local government have full authority to pass the rules and regulations completely implies to the local community or its power completely overruled by the state Government. Local government can only reach in depth to the local community, discover the problems, implement laws, and benefits local levels. There might be pros and cons of having full power to rule over the community by the local Government. Different …show more content…

Serious environmental issues such as pollution, contamination, even the earthquake are the major concerns of Hydraulic fracking which directly deteriorate the human civilization in the local levels. State government does not always keep eye on the local levels ,it can manipulate the local government in the chain of command. Though the state government consists of the representatives selected by the local municipalities, overall problems at the community level don't address by only representatives of state Government. In the case of hydraulic fracking in texas, it seems that most of the powers and authority is ruled by the state government denying the local authority which seriously impacting and limiting the right of local government. This kind of trend affect not only the people of the certain community but also the economic and environmental condition of the …show more content…

People from the local level should have the right to decide whether or not the community need such types of life-threatening industries. The local government should actively participate to the local people interacting about the advantages and disadvantages of establishing the fracking oil and gas industries in their locality. However, The nation needs the economic uplift it is very important to the state and nation that it should have the industrial development. Local government is important in the community to regulate the rules in a small group of society. According to an article published in CSC e-newsletter, Denton Texas is the first city to ban hydraulic fracking. It is one of the examples of the effectiveness of local government. But giving the full authority and power to local government not always benefits the communities. Corruptions and individual lobbying may generate due to local government authority. Without survey to local people and without generating an idea from the community may enhance corruption and may only benefit to certain elite groups rather than the entire people of the local community. On the other hand , the Local government doesn't have full access to expertise such as engineers, geologist, and scientists in community level. So giving the full power to such government may consequence a negative result