
Hyper-Individualism, Worldliness And Division In The Early Church

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“The downward spiral of hyper-individualism, worldliness, and division is just one of many problems that the church faces today, suggest Stephen Hong.” Obviously the selfishness that is being displayed in today’s churches contradicts the character of the early church in Acts. Acts 2 paints a clear picture of how the believers in the church fellowshipped with one another through prayer and eating. Moreover, they were unselfish with their possessions as they sold them so they could contribute and support the ministry they were a part of. They were committed to learning and growing together as they met not only in the temple but in the homes of others also. The new believers in Acts were part of a generous and growing church that was led by devoted followers of Christ. …show more content…

The walls of the temple did not keep them from going out and making a huge impact on the world. Individualism, worldliness, and division is causing Christians today to stay in their comfort zone while they choose to only be disciples in the walls of their churches rather than boldly stepping out into the world of the lost and hurting. Jesus went against the norm of only interacting with just believers. In the book of Matthew, Jesus broke bread with the sinners and tax collectors. After the Pharisees expressed their disapproval with this act, Jesus told them “those who are well don’t need a doctor, but the sick do. Go and learn what this means: I desire mercy and not sacrifice. For I didn’t come to call the righteous, but sinners.” Jesus had a heart not only for the saved but for the lost. In the same way churches and ministry organizations should as well. This paper will suggest that in order to reach the lost just as Jesus did, a church needs to be small group oriented and community oriented as they participate in the Great

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