Hypocrisy In Scarlet Letter

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In the novel “Scarlet Letter” the idea and concept of sin is explored. Sin is one of those untouchable and unaccepting acts in Puritan society, but throughout the book Hawthorne’s perspective and liberal opinion on sin is shown to readers. Hypocrisy is seen throughout the book with the actions of Puritans themselves and their beliefs. It is a sin that is more hidden, complicated, and less physical however it is quite prominent in this novel and its society. Hawthorne portrays a moderate way of dealing with sin; closer to readers of this time and the teachings of Islam. Hypocrisy is an all-encompassing sin throughout Puritan society and “The Scarlet Letter”. The Puritanical faith is quite strict and is all about living life per the Scriptures …show more content…

In ayas 67-68 of Surat-At-Tawbah Allah says, “The hypocrite men and the hypocrite women are as one another; they enjoin evil and forbid good, and they keep their hands shut. They have forsaken Allah, so He has forsaken them, (too). The hypocrites are indeed the transgressors. Allah has promised the hypocrite men and the hypocrite women and the infidels, the Fire of Hell, to abide in it forever. That is enough for them, Allah has cursed them, and for them is a lasting chastisement.” In Islam hypocrisy is taken very seriously because it is an act that portrays to others something you aren’t. In Islam, hypocrisy can be regarded as defiance or no acknowledgement of Allah’s “All-Knowingness” because He knows what is in our hearts and the fact that one is going out of his/her way to put a façade on themselves shows no true belief. As mentioned in these ayas, the punishment is quite severe but it is not predetermined. That means that one can repent for their hypocrisy, and even though it isn’t mentioned explicitly in the ayas we know that for many sins repentance is allowed. In Islam sin is regarded as something personal and if a hypocrite were to change his/her ways they could, by simply repenting and making duaa to Allah to guide them and forgive their