Yousafzai touches multiple topics throughout her novel “I am Malala” as well as her speeches. Her topics can range from politics to morals. To completely grasp her audience’s attention, Yousafzai uses a wide variety of rhetorical devices as well as diction to get her central message across and implanted in the audience’s mind. It is easy to hone in on Yousafzai’s message because from start to finish, she keeps her head high for a better future. Consistently searching for the rainbow after a storm A common focus in Yousafzai’s novel is topic a female's right to do what her mind and heart decides what would make her happiest. To further emphasize this she utilizes logos to emphasize morality. For instance, “...What I would do if a Talib came …show more content…
To begin her novel, she emphasizes her happiness at home in her city of Swat, Pakistan with her family and friends at school. “I can hear the neighborhood kids playing cricket in the alley behind our home. I can hear the hum of the bazaar not far away. And if I listen very closely, I can hear Safina, my friend next door, tapping on the wall we share so she can tell me a secret. (Yousafzai,1)” By reading this excerpt, it accurately depicts her happiness and comfortability of her life. Yousafzai paints a wide detailed picture in the audience’s mind with her use of diction and tone. While in part 3, Malala states “Internally displaced persons. That’s what we were now, not Pakistanis, not pashtuns. Our identity had been reduced to three letters; IDF. We begged the man… (Yousafzai 99)” This leads me to believe Malala wanted the audience to be aware of how a situation can affect the environment but not her mindset of hope and perseverance. Through it all, Yousafzai’s integrity stayed intact because she knew what she wanted to accomplish and how she was going to accomplish it keeping in mind it is a long road to …show more content…
But do you see what’s happening here is Swat? (, 49)” For a woman who prides herself in knowledge and science, it is intriguing the amount that she prays. It is close to daily but it is understandable because of where she was born, people pray close to five times a day roughly which is regularly scheduled. I think no matter the amount of knowledge gained, it will never affect her ties and beliefs in her god because she was nurtured into it while other people around her now were not. There has and always will be in my opinion a very thin line that is rarely crossed between religion and