I Listen To The Song Demons By Imagine Dragons

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Motivation is defined as the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way. It can be found in many different places such as other people or specific events that happen in life. It can also be seen in books, fake realities, or music. Except you must know, only striving for what you love can elevate your soul to be motivated to do great things. Motivation is found in doing what you love, your passion.

A motivation for me in the past has come through music. When I listen to songs, I listen and understand the meaning of the words. It really is inspiring if you take a minute to actually understand the words you are hearing. For example, I listen to the song “Demons” by Imagine Dragons. I used to just listen to the lyrics …show more content…

It is unpredictable, but I can make a good assumption. I can assume that most things that motivated me in the past will motivate me in the future such as music. I believe that every song has some meaning to take away from it, you just need to know where to look. I currently want to have a music business on the side of my future day job because my passion for music will continue to drive me to work towards my dreams, no matter what situation is thrown in my …show more content…

This article is not correct because motivation is only found when doing what you love. In the article, the author writes “Persistence works” and goes on to elaborate by saying, “Achievement motivated individuals are inclined to believe that continued effort and commitment will overcome initial obstacles and failure.” I have been and hope to continue to be a successful person throughout my life, and I can say for certain that it is very important to know when to quit. There are multiple ways to achieve your dreams. Do not get so hung up on the ones that do not work out because quitting can pave the way to a new method of success. The author of “How Do High Achievers Really Think” also wrote, “Achievement striving is enjoyable.” I know for a fact from personal experiences, that striving for achievement will not always be enjoyable but you work through the hard parts to get to the enjoyable parts. Everyone has had to work through hard times to get to where they are now, even Yvon Chouinard, and avid