I Love Pablo Neruda Analysis

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Love, a theme that is predominant throughout most poems of the 17th and 20th centuries. Love poetry is arguably the most popular form of poetry written to date. Love is both substantial and consubstantial, which means that it is always real, not imaginary, and shared, not imposed. Pablo Neruda and Shakespeare provide extremely vivid descriptions of love; they personify the theme of love and make it come to life through their poetic works. The authors use rhetorical questions, imagery, rhyme, repetition and most importantly symbolism to explore the universal theme of love. Love is thoroughly analysed in I do not love you, Queen, to his coy mistress and Let me not to the marriage of true minds.
I do not love you except I love by Pablo Neruda is all about the theme of love. Love is scrutinized by the narration of the poem because it tells a “story” and it is a lyric poem because it includes the writer’s feelings and passion. In this poem, it shows how fast time goes by. The writer includes a specific time frame to emphasize his hope. “Maybe the January light will consume my heart” (Neruda 9). Furthermore, the author describes how he feels about his love. “I will die of love because I love you” (Neruda 13). His love for his partner is also described by symbolism in the middle verse, “"Because I love you, Love, in fire and blood.". In this verse Fire and blood represent passion meaning that he loves her passionately. The writer also repeats the line, “..I love you..” throughout