
I Was Just Following Orders Milgram Essay

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'I was just following orders': Reviewing Milgram's Paradigm and the Underlying Causes of Obedience Susan Jaramani Psychology 288 American University of Beirut Abstract Fifty years after Milgram's famous Obedience to Authority Paradigm, a lot of studies are reexamining Milgram's findings, and finding gaps and discrepancies between the actual data and the published results. In this study I present the Milgram's Baseline Study, which drove the entire paradigm. I also present Milgram's "agentic state" explanation and provide its arguments that were based on footage evidence, reexamined at Yale. I also explain the situational features present when obedience is elicited, the motives behind doing those studies, and the positive and negative implications that obedience has. Having an inclusive understanding of obedience can be a breakthrough in countless aspects of our day to day lives by trying to do a positive social change. keywords: Milgram's Baseline study, OTA, obedience, dissent 'I was just following orders': Reviewing Milgram's Paradigm and the Underlying Causes of Obedience …show more content…

The "Obedience to Authority Paradigm" abbreviated as OTA has been a field of interest for psychologists, sociologists and countless others who till this very day try to create a comprehensive and holistic theory of obedience. According to Jetten and Mols (2014), Milgram designed an experiment to yield the highest obedience rates and to decrease or even omit disobedience, resulting in the predicted outcomes after having had a vast amount of pilot

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