I Won T Hire People Who Use Poor Grammar Here's Why Summary

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In the article titled “I Won’t Hire People Who Use Poor Grammar. Here’s Why,” published by Harvard Business Review on July 20, 2012, Kyle Weins claims as a business owner of two companies largely reliant on writing that good writers are more intelligent, are better at doing things completely unrelated to writing, and pay more attention to detail. Wein’s overall goal of the article is to show the connection between employees with good grammar and good work ethic. Wein’s is backing up his zero tolerance approach to bad grammar by showing these correlations. Potential employees may have prompted him to write the article because they felt his grammar test was unfair. He wants to describe how he is using the test to eliminate unqualified employees. As a busy businessman the article is a way of addressing all the people that do not agree with his approach at the same time. …show more content…

Weins’s shows how important writing skills are in the work place, even jobs that do not rely on writing. People that aren’t necessarily applying for his companies can take his advice when applying for other jobs. Other employers may not be as strict as Wein’s when it comes to poor grammar, although they do look at an employee’s resume, which should be written in a professional manner. The secondary audience is younger employees. The language of the article is simple. It is common for people to assume younger people have poor grammar because of the rise in text messaging and social media. The simple language is appropriately directed towards younger employees and the language stays consistent throughout the article. The tone of the piece is very energetic and enthusiastic. Wein’s uses this tone to show passion and how strongly he believes in the subject to convince the readers of this