ISIS Pros And Cons

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The United States has fought its fair share of wars since the year of its founding, but never has it faced so great a threat to its national security as ISIS. Due to attacks made by ISIS on US embassies in various Middle Eastern countries and the deaths of hundreds of innocent people, the United States has decided to take necessary and forceful military action. The current plan of military intervention is morally just because going to war with ISIS not only contributes to the good of the American people and the current and future targets of ISIS, but it also brings the terrorist organization to justice.
It is morally justified to launch a military intervention against ISIS because it is what is best for the common good of the American people, …show more content…

Some argue that attempting to overthrow Assad could prompt military conflict with Russia, who backs Assad due to its belief that the only way to defeat ISIS is to team up with him (McDonald & Moser, 2016c). While this is a valid concern, if the ground troops first achieve the goal of dismantling ISIS’s military and then focus on overthrowing Assad, Russia’s reason for backing Assad will be gone and it will have no reason to retaliate. Others argue that this war is not in the best interest of the United States as a community because it will inevitably lose another war due to lack of international and domestic support, which can lead to other countries doubting its military and political strength. (Simon & Stevenson, 2015). The US would not face any opposition from the international community because many countries are also against ISIS. However, many countries, like Syria, Iraq, and Jordan, are getting the brunt of ISIS’ force because it now occupies land in their countries (“ISIS Fast Facts”, 2016). It makes sense that they have not yet launched a major attack on the terrorist organization because they are more concerned if protecting their home fronts. If the US declares war on ISIS, it is possible that other countries will feel more comfortable getting more involved, making our goal of destroying ISIS’s military easier. America also has a great deal of domestic support. 53% of the public say that the US should send troops to Iraq or Syria to fight ISIS and 68% says that the country’s military response to ISIS so far has not been aggressive enough (Agiesta, 2015). Therefore, while this campaign has some pushback, it is nothing that cannot be easily