IUGR Case Study Sample

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IUGR prevents fetal growth in a manner which stops it from achieving its full genetic growth potential. It is most commonly caused by insufficient uteroplacental circulation or infarcts. IUGR is separate and distinct from SGA in that SGA is not necessarily a pathological condition, it simply describes the weight at birth as being between 3rd and 10th percentile. It is estimated that 50 – 70% of SGA fetus are constitutionally small with appropriate size for their parent’s size and ethnicity, this is in contrast to IUGR which by definition has experienced restricted growth.

Placental insufficiency, also known as uteroplacental vascular insufficiency, is the inability of the placenta to supply sufficient nutrients to the fetus …show more content…

This case study follows Jane, a 41 year old multiparous women of G7P6 status who experienced IUGR and placental insufficiency in her pregnancy, picked up as part of routine antenatal …show more content…

The smoking status of the patient is a risk factor for this calcification, with smokers having been shown to develop more extensive premature calcification then non smokers. Calcifications indicate that the placenta is aging and moving towards senescence. This finding was present for this patient, supporting her placental insufficiency as a cause of IUGR.

An important factor in diagnosing IUGR is the accurate estimation of gestational age for comparison to average measurements, although this is typically calculated based on LMP, due to variability of ovulation timings, it is not entirely accurate. A dating ultrasound performed during the first trimester is able to more accurately date the gestational age. This was not performed on this patient and would have been a more accurate means of assessing gestation age.

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