Ibn Khaldun Vs Machiavelli Research Paper

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What does history have to do with politics? Looking at the two for face value, you might make an inference and say they don’t seem much related. However, that is a rather ignorant statement. History can have can a pretty substantial influence on politics. Especially in the perspective of Ibn Khaldun and Machiavelli. Both, influenced by past events in history, wanted to write about it in hopes such events in question would never happen again.
IT SHOULD BE KNOWN that history is a discipline that has a great number of
(different) approaches. Its useful aspects are very many. Its goal is distinguished. Ibn Khaldun starts by saying history should be preserved. He also states that history should be acquired from many sources on a grand scale. If one does not know the facts about history. They become prone to repeat it again. Machiavelli ties the two together. He uses both history and politics to write a guide on how to run a nation as a prince.
Machiavelli was a diplomat, politician, historian, and a philosopher. In 1513 Machiavelli was jailed and tortured. When he was released he wrote a guide on how to run a nation for princes. Machiavelli could be considered …show more content…

Machiavelli talks about Alexander the great. Alexander the great was the master of Asia. Although Asia was scarcely settled when he died, his successors were able to keep control. Machiavelli then makes an example on how to govern cities using the Spartans and the Romans. Machiavelli discussed how to annex cities that already had rule. Annexing cities that have their own control can be a menace to gain control. Machiavelli states at first its best to destroy the cities, then live there in person, then allow them to live with their laws only if they establish an oligarchy, making it friendly for you. Machiavelli uses the Spartans and the Romans because they were well known for conquering lands and growing empires. (Machiavelli,