Identify Key Features Of Adolescents

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I will give a summary of a relevant case facts and identify key features of adolescents this will include a theory of adolescents and changes that adolescents will go through. I will follow on with an identification of youth cultures and sub cultures. Factors that shape youth culture will also be included.
I will provide a discussion to demonstrate an insight of social situation and the needs of young people. I will discuss teenage pregnancy and early school leavers. In this discussion I will identify the service provision and any legislations. In this assignment I hope to have a better understanding of teenage pregnancy and what teenagers are faced with.
I think it’s important to carry out this assignment because it is a current …show more content…

This is the being teenagers see most of the change in their lives. Adolescence is the middle part between childhood and adulthood. In today’s society many young people are living with their parents due to the price of houses. In pre-industrial times this period was brief it was believed that girls marry once they became capable of having children, in today’s society there is more emphasis on schooling and education. Under the Youth Work Act 2001 and National Youth Work Development Plan 2003, a young person is referred to anyone under the age of twenty-five (National Youth Council of Ireland, 2017). Among adolescences to date alcohol, drug use, early school leavers, early sexual behaviour, pregnancy, STD’s is being committed by young people in early years.
Class Notes; Slide 4-7.
Requirements and expectations laid down by a young people’s culture are essential influences on development of young people for example; family beliefs, sex roles: boys work outside the home girls work inside the home, French Culture: adolescence experience alcohol from a young age and kissing on the check on meeting people and Hindu Culture: respect for elders is key within their culture and also they never wear shoes or sandals inside the temple or shrine or in their homes or homes of others.
Class Notes; Slide