Ideology And Party Attitudes On Abortion

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The purpose of this study is to address the relationship of gender, religion, party identification, and ideology on the attitudes of legality of all forms of abortion, amongst United States Citizens. Abortion is one of the most polarizing issues in American politics, support for, and against, is perceived as generally split down party lines. This concept of party identification as a litmus test, for attitudes on abortion, appears simple on the surface, but becomes more nuanced as consideration of previous research examines the effects of these independent variables; gender, religion, party identification, and ideology on the dependent variable, attitudes on the legality of abortion. Abortion is an issue that most Americans have an opinion about, …show more content…

The effects of religiosity can not only shape abortion policy, but also gender specific ideals. Ideology and party Identification can have both positive and negative effects when pertaining to views on abortion. These studies will influence the method of testing that will be performed on the data. Testing public support for abortions from the survey, with a mean based scatter chart.

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