
Ideology In Schindler's List

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The essay that I will do will be on Schindler’s List by Steven Spielberg. Schindler’s List is a very realistic movie that in short display this guy named Schindler (Liam Neeson) who helps and support these Jewish people from Nazi’s persecution of their home life and personal lives. He does this by employing them into a friendly working factory that he owned and kept them there until the end of the war. This controversial time period with its radical viewpoints on the supremacy of one ethnic group against another has the term ideology wrap all around it. Some other ways that ideology is found in this film are realism, tone, cultural generalization, and the viewpoints of individuals. Schindler’s List by Steven Spielberg uses the method of ideology to bring out the horrors and the minute chances of hope that …show more content…

Realism is “a style of filmmaking that attempts to duplicate the look of objective reality as it’s commonly perceived, with emphasis on authentic locations and details, long shots, lengthy takes, and a minimum of distorting techniques.” (Giannetti, 527). This movie has many stark images of realism. One of shot that caught my attention is when a young girl at the beginning was yelling “Goodbye, Jews! Goodbye, Jews!” This excerpt provides the extreme nature of racism where it’s not only affecting the adults, but the young. The young are supposed to be innovative and creative, not political or have hatred against one group. They are not grown up to naturally to hate one group, but are forced upon. In a similar movie called the Boy in the Striped Pajamas there is this same corruption with the young girl in the movie where she goes from a typical German girl to a hating racist girl. However, there are many other terms that I want to use. Realism helps bring the real terror of brainwashed individuals by them making inflammatory statements against the Jewish

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