
Oskar Schindler's List

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World war 2 was a very drastic time period for the entire world and the history of Europe. During the war many people were captured, injured, and killed. Many people attempted to save the scapegoats of the war, the Jews, and many Jews tried to hide themselves. Concentration camps were where captured Jews would stay and be forced to participate in hard labor. If the Jews weren't taken to the camps they'd hide in attics of people's homes and other places to avoid being found by the nazis. Survival and freedom was valued during this war. Many people like Oskar Schindler put their lives on the line to carry out brave and inspirational acts to save these people. In this essay I will talk about Poland, the amazing story of Schindler's list, and analyze and explain the significance of the story.

Historical and Cultural Context
Even today Poland is still living with consequences from world war 2. Over 73 years ago on September 1st 1939 Germany invaded Poland starting world war 2. This war lasted six years and was finally settled with the use of nuclear weapons. By the end more than 60 million people were killed. When world war 2 ended Poland was left in ruins. Poland became a communist government in 1945. When a new constitution was formed in 1952 Poland converted entirely to a communist country. After …show more content…

This story, based on a true one is about a young, ambitious business man. Oskar Schindler moves to Poland at a young age looking to buy a factory. When he finally finds one he buys it and opens his business. He quickly becomes successful with his hired partner, Itzhak Stern, and builds popularity in the community. Meanwhile, all around Europe world war 2 is erupting and many countries are being invaded. After about 2 months Schindler is in service Poland is invaded. Schindler and the entire community expected it. Not too far from Schindler's factory there was a "ghetto" where they began to send the

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