
If I Want To Be A Medical Examiner Essay

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If I was given $25,000 I would try my best to spend it wisely, and spend it on things that were

useful to me. Being a senior in high school, the temptation would be to spend it all, but this

amount of money would be extremely helpful in the early years of college. I feel I deserve this

$25,000, because I am a student who wants to aspire the profession of becoming a Medical

Examiner. I have grown up not knowing why my father or my uncle have died, so if I become a

medical examiner I will be able to give families closure that me nor my family ever had. This

money could help me move faster to becoming a step closer to achieving my dream and helping

families all around the world. With this money it would help me buy all the books …show more content…

This would also allow

me to be able to carry my books a lot easier from class to class. One of the most expensive things

in college are books. You have to have several different books for each class you take, so with

that being said I would most defiantly buy what books I needed for my 6 years of school. The

cost of the books would come out a total of $1,284.00. Another thing that can get expensive in

college is the cost of food. With this money I would buy one month supply of groceries that

would cost me $428.00. All of these purchases would be a tremendous help and a blessing by

helping me along the way with college. Since I would be living by myself, I think it would only

be smart to have a little company with me. I would choose to buy a Dalmatian for $2,675.00.

This would also provide me protection while living in my apartment alone. After buying all of

these things to satisfy my college needs, I would have $883.33 left. I would spend this money by

donating to my high school cheer team and charity. I would first donate a cheer mat to my high

school, because I know we always struggled during competition season because we were

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